Discussion Questions Schedule

ENGL 80600.

Blog Assignment #1:  Discussion questions: Every participant in the seminar will be responsible for generating three or four discussion questions for 2 class sessions (i.e. you will post these questions twice during the semester, not every week).  Note that this blog assignment asks you to produce questions, not discursive posts. Your questions can address the primary source, the secondary sources, or a combination of the primary and secondary sources.  Let your curiosity guide you here—and try to pose questions that will spark the most open-ended, engaged discussion.


September 7th: Palacio, Wonder

Kristi Fleetwood

Chris Morabito


Elizabeth A. Wheeler, “No Monsters in this Fairy Tale: Wonder and the New Children’s Literature.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 38.3 (Fall 2013): 335-350.

Christian Lewis


September 14th: Tamaki and Tamaki, Skim


Dhipinder Walia

Kristi Fleetwood

Marty Fink, “It Gets Fatter: Graphic Fatness and Resilient Eating in Mariko and Jillian Tamaki’s Skim. Fat Studies, 2 (2013): 132–146.

Stephanie Trinidad


Tuesday, September 19th (Thursday schedule): Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe


Kenneth Kidd, “Queer Theory’s Child and Children’s Literature Studies.” PMLA 126 (2011): 182-188.

 Francesca Teora


September 28th:

Shusterman, Challenger Deep

 Dhipinder Walia


Maria Nikolajeva, excerpts from Reading for Learning: Cognitive Approaches to Children’s Literature (Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014). Print copy on reserve:

Eileen Liang

Alyssa Lyons


October 5th:

Alexie, Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

Francesca Teora

Alyssa Lyons


Bryan Ripley Crandall, “Adding a Disability Perspective When Reading Adolescent Literature: Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.The ALAN Review (Winter 2009): 71-78.

Christie Sillo

Christian Lewis


Adrienne Kertzer, “Not Exactly: Intertextual Identity and Risky Laughter in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” Children’s Literature 40 (2012): 49-77.

Chris Morabito

October 19th:

Roberta Seelinger Trites, “Blending and Cultural Narratives,” in Literary Conceptualizations of Growth (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014): 55-79.

Stephanie Trinidad

Eileen Liang


Angela Johnson, a cool moonlight

Christie Sillo